In the subsections of this page you will find example usages of the GameServices API that can be found in CloudService.GameServices.
By default, the CloudService will automatically authenticate as a Guest User, unless you disable Auto Login As Guest option in the CoherenceBridge inspector.
If you disable the automatic login, you can handle Player authentication manually through the CloudService.GameServices.AuthService API.
In this example, you can see how you can manually login as a Guest:
You can also choose to allow your users to create their own Player accounts, you can use the Authentication Service API in a similar fashion to allow for manual authentication:
The key-value store provides a simple persistence layer for the players.
The player needs need to be logged in to use the key-value store.
This class provides the methods to set, get and unset key-value pairs. This is executed within the context of the currently logged in player.
Size: there are no limits to the number of stored key/values as long as the total size is less than 256 kB.
Requests: Set/Get/Unset can be called unlimited amount of times but the execution may be throttled.