In coherence, it is possible to specify how a Prefab is instantiated at runtime using the Instantiate via option on the CoherenceSync component.
We support three implementations out of the box: Default, Pool or DestroyCoherenceSync, but you can also create your own.
This instantiator will create a new instance of your Prefab, and when the related network entity is destroyed, this Prefab instance will also be destroyed.
This instantiator supports object pooling, instead of always creating and destroying instances, the pool instantiator will attempt to reuse existing instances. It has two options:
Max Size: maximum size of the pool for this Prefab, instances that exceed the limit of the pool will be destroyed when returned.
Initial Size: coherence will create this amount of instances on app startup.
This instantiator will create a new instance for your Prefab, but instead of completely destroying the object when the related network entity is destroyed, it will destroy or disable the CoherenceSync component instead.
You can implement the INetworkObjectInstantiator
interface to create your custom implementations that will be used by coherence when it needs to instantiate a Prefab in the scene.
Custom implementations can be Serializable
and have their own custom serialized data.
To begin, use the dropdown menu on the CoherenceSync and use the Create Implementation... option:
Let coherence generate the scripts for you, and customise them as you see fit.
Once created, implementations of this interface will appear in the Instantiate via dropdown shown above, or in the corresponding CoherenceSyncObject asset.
In coherence, it's possible to specify how the Prefab for a network entity will be loaded into memory at runtime using the Load via option on the CoherenceSync
We support three default implementations, or you can . The three default implementations are Resources, Direct Reference or Addressables:
Resources loader will be used if your Prefab is inside a Resources folder. If you wish to use any other type of loading method, you will be prompted to move the Prefab outside of the Resources folder.
This loader will be used if your Prefab is outside of a Resources folder, and the Prefab is not marked as Addressable. This means that we will need to hard reference the Prefab in the CoherenceSyncConfig, which means it will always be loaded into memory from the moment you start your game.
This option is only available if you have the installed.
This loader will be used if your Prefab is marked as an Addressable asset, and it will be soft referenced using Addressables' class, meaning it's not loaded in memory at the beginning of the game but it gets loaded on demand, when needed.
When you choose this method, you don't have to implement Addressables code: coherence takes care of doing the loading for you, transparently.
You can implement the INetworkObjectProvider
interface to create your custom implementations that will be used by coherence when we need to load the Prefab into memory.
Custom implementations can be Serializable
and have your own custom serialized data.
To begin, use the dropdown menu on the CoherenceSync and use the Create Implementation... option:
Let coherence generate the scripts for you, and customise them as you see fit.
Once created, implementations of this interface will appear in the Load via dropdown shown above, or in the corresponding CoherenceSyncObject asset.
In this section we cover in-depth how coherence handles loading networked Prefabs into memory, and how it instantiates them when a new remote entity appears on the network.
Whenever you start synchronizing one of your Prefabs, either by adding the CoherenceSync component manually or clicking the Sync with coherence toggle in the Prefab Inspector, coherence will create a CoherenceSyncConfig ScriptableObject to track the existence of this entity, and add it to a .
This object holds information on how a certain type of network entity is loaded and instantiated.
There is a 1:1 correspondence between a networked Prefab and its CoherenceSyncConfig object, so you can also edit the related CoherenceSyncConfig directly from the Inspector of any CoherenceSync component:
These edits will in fact be saved not in the component, but on the associated CoherenceSyncConfig ScriptableObject.
Behind the scenes, the CoherenceSyncConfig object allows coherence to do the following:
Hard reference the prefab in Editor, this means that whenever we have to do postprocessing in synced prefabs, we don't have to do a lookup or load them from Resources.
Serialize the method of loading and instantiating this prefab in runtime.
Soft reference the prefab in Runtime with a GUID, this means we can access the loading and instantiating implementations without having to load the prefab itself into memory.
Every time a CoherenceSyncConfig object is created, it gets added to a registry, represented by a single ScriptableObject of type CoherenceSyncConfigRegistry.
In addition to just inspecting the ScriptableObject, you can see all of the CoherenceSyncConfig assets in one place in the CoherenceSync Objects window, found under the coherence > CoherenceSync Objects menu item:
This is a great way to see the configuration of different entities next to each other, and it allows you to do mass edits by clicking the Edit Mode button.
As a user, the two main changeable options here are , and .
is the default location of all CoherenceSyncConfig objects.
This ScriptableObject is generated by coherence, and is located in Assets/coherence
This is somewhat of an advance technique. If you're new to coherence and simply looking to instantiate an object, refer to the Instantiation page.
Instead of hard referencing Prefabs in your scripts to instantiate them using Unity's own Instantiate()
, you can reference a CoherenceSyncConfig
and instantiate Prefab instances through our API. This will respect the custom loading and instantiation rules set on the CoherenceSync component, that is the instantiator specified in Instantiate via and the asset loader specified in the Load via properties.
In code terms, it utilizes the internal INetworkObjectProvider
and INetworkObjectInstantiator
interfaces to load and instantiate the Prefab in a given .
To instantiate a networked Prefab starting from its CoherenceSyncConfig, you simply need to invoke GetInstance()
You can also hard reference the Prefab in your script, and then use our CoherenceSync API to instantiate the Prefab:
While the end result is the same, the main difference is that referencing a CoherenceSyncConfig instead of a Prefab makes it a much more scalable and future-proof architecture. Since it doesn't need a Prefab hard reference, you won't have to change the code if the way that the Prefab is loaded into memory changes later on (for example, if you go from Resources to load it via Addressables).