Key-value store

The key-value store provides a simple persistence layer for the players.


This class provides the methods to set, get and unset key-value pairs. This is executed within the context of the currently logged in player.

public static class KvStore
    // Sets a value
    // key: lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, dash
    // val: any string (null is not allowed)
    public static void Set(string key, string val)
    // Gets a value
    // key: lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, dash
    public static string Get(string key)
    // Unsets a value, removing it from the store
    // key: lowercase letters, numbers, underscore, dash
    public static void Unset(string key)


Play.KvStore.Set("foo", "1");

var foo = Play.KvStore.Get("foo");
Debug.Log($"foo={foo}"); // foo=1



Size: there are no limits to the number of stored key/values as long as the total size is less than 256kb.

Requests: Set/Get/Unset can be called unlimited amount of times but the execution may be throttled.

Last updated

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