The PlayResolver encapsulates all the internals to fetch and join both rooms and worlds.
using Coherence.Runtime;
// ensure connection to the play services backend
async Task<bool> PlayResolver.EnsurePlayConnection();
Rooms API
Detailed usage can be found in Rooms.
// Returns "local" as the region if local server is running.
async Task<string> FetchLocalRegions()
// Returns all the regions where rooms are enabled in the portal.
async Task<IReadOnlyList<string>> FetchRegions()
// Fetch a list of rooms currently active in the given region.
// Optionally, filter by tags provided when creating the room.
async Task<IReadOnlyList<RoomData>> FetchRooms(string region, string[] tags = null)
// Create a new room in the region.
// Sample UI uses key value to set/get room names.
async Task<RoomData> CreateRoom(string region,
int maxClients = 10,
string[] tags = null,
Dictionary<string, string> keyValues = null)
// Start connecting to the room.
// IClient can be accessed through
// MonoBridgeStore.GetBrige(gameObject.scene).Client
// connection success and can be monitored using IClient.OnConnected, etc events.
void JoinRoom(IClient client, RoomData room)
// Convert RoomData to EndpointData, to call IClient.Connect(endpoint) directly.
// The second return value is false if the room data is invalid.
(EndpointData, bool) GetRoomEndpointData(RoomData room)
Example usage for Rooms API
using Coherence.Runtime;
using UnityEngine;
public class CreatorAndJoiner : MonoBehaviour
private async void Start()
var client = MonoBridgeStore.GetBridge(gameObject.scene).Client;
// XXX: try-catch everything
var regions = await PlayResolver.FetchRegions();
var rooms = await PlayResolver.FetchRooms(regions[0]);
if (rooms.Count == 0)
var room = await PlayResolver.CreateRoom(regions[0]);
PlayResolver.JoinRoom(client, room);
Worlds API
Detailed usage can be found in Worlds.
// Returns true if a local worlds replication server is running.
async Task<bool> EnsureLocalServer()
// Fetches the connection data for local replication server.
async Task<WorldData> FetchLocalWorld()
// Fetches a list of worlds from the portal.
async Task<IReadOnlyList<WorldData>> FetchWorlds()
// Start connecting to the world.
// IClient can be accessed through
// MonoBridgeStore.GetBrige(gameObject.scene).Client
// connection success and can be monitored using IClient.OnConnected, etc events.
// Can also join as a simulator.
void JoinWorld(IClient client, WorldData data, bool isSimulator = false)
// Convert WorldData into EndpointData, to call IClient.Connect(endpoint) directly.
// The second return value is false if the world data is invalid.
(EndpointData, bool) GetWorldEndpoint(WorldData world)
Example usage for Worlds API
using Coherence.Runtime;
using UnityEngine;
public class WorldJoiner : MonoBehaviour
private async void Start()
var client = MonoBridgeStore.GetBridge(gameObject.scene).Client;
// XXX: try-catch everything
var worlds = await PlayResolver.FetchWorlds();
if (worlds.Count > 0)
PlayResolver.JoinWorld(client, worlds[0]);
Last updated
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