CLI Utilities

Found in <package-root>/.Runtime/<platform>/.


protocol-code-generator --help

protocol-code-generator --help generate

                             the log level
                             log output file
      --panic-on-error       enable/disable panic on error

  -d, --schema=STRING        The schema file (.schema).
  -o, --output=STRING        Output file.
      --output-dir=STRING    Output directory (can only be used together with
  -c, --code=STRING          Which language to generate code for.
  -e, --ecs=STRING           Which flavour of ECS to generate code for.
      --split                Split into files.
      --debugoutput          Insert debug output in generated code.
      --sync=STRING          Path to Unity generated JSON file for creating the
                             generated.schema file.
      --emit-empty           Emit empty baked scripts. Useful to avoid possible
                             compile errors. 


replication-server --help serve

Usage: replication-server serve --schema=STRING

  -h, --help                                        Show context-sensitive help.
      --log-level=LOG-LEVEL-STRING                  the log level
      --log-file=LOG-FILE-STRING                    log output file
      --panic-on-error                              enable/disable panic on error

      --port=32001                                  The port to listen to.
      --stats-port=32000                            The port to listen for stats scrapers. Also enables pprof.
      --use-p-prof                                  If StatsPort is 0 then setup pprof on port 6060.
      --dump                                        Write network packets to capture files (.packets).
      --dump-reverse                                Write network packets reversing in and out packets
      --frequency=20                                The server update frequency.
      --schema=STRING                               The schema file (.schema).
      --disconnect-timeout=5000                     Disconnect timeout (in milliseconds).
      --debug-streams                               Use debug streams.
      --max-entities=65536                          Maximum number of entities allowed.
      --max-clients=200                             Expected maximum number of clients.
      --min-query-distance=0.1                      Minimum distance for query change.
      --web-support                                 Does this support web connections.
      --public-ip=STRING                            Public IP of the replication server, used by webrtc.
      --web-port=32003                              Port for webrtc, only used if --web-support is true
      --signalling-port=32002                       Port for signalling, only used if --web-support is true
      --out-stats-freq=1                            Frequency, in seconds, of updates to prometheus stats
      --log-stats-freq=0                            Frequency, in seconds, of output of stats to INFO logs. 0 - no output
      --env="prod"                                  Environment in which the server is executed
      --persistence-enabled                         If enabled, starts replication server with persistence attached.
      --persistence-save-file-name=""     The name of the persistent save file.
      --persistence-save-folder="."                 The folder where the save file is written.
      --persistence-save-frequency=30               The frequency in which the save file is written (in seconds).
      --persistence-query-world-position="0,0,0"    Position of the center of the entity query.
      --persistence-query-radius=10000              Radius of entity query.
      --persistence-disable-s-3-storage             Enable to disable storing to S3.
      --persistence-upload-size-threshold=1024      Difference in bytes to cause an s3 upload.
      --persistence-upload-frequency-forced=3600    The maximum number of seconds between forced s3 uploads.

replication-server --help listen

  -h, --help                          Show context-sensitive help.
      --log-level=LOG-LEVEL-STRING    the log level
      --log-file=LOG-FILE-STRING      log output file
      --panic-on-error                enable/disable panic on error

      --port=64001                    The port to listen to.
      --default-frequency=20          The default server update frequency.
      --default-schema=STRING         The default schema file (.schema).
      --stats-port=64000              The port to listen for stats scrapers. Also enables pprof
      --use-p-prof                    If StatsPort is 0 then setup pprof on port 6060.
      --udp-port=42001                Port for udp traffic.
      --web-support                   Does this support web connections.
      --web-port=42003                Port for webrtc, only used if --web-support is true
      --public-ip=STRING              Public IP of the replication server, used by webrtc.
      --signalling-port=42002         Port for signalling, only used if --web-support is true
      --disconnect-timeout=5000       Disconnect timeout (in milliseconds).
      --out-stats-freq=1              Frequency, in seconds, of updates to prometheus stats
      --log-stats-freq=0              Frequency, in seconds, of output of stats to INFO logs. 0 - no output
      --env="prod"                    Environment in which the server is executed
      --secret=STRING                 Expected secret in the api requests
      --has-persistence               Does this support enabling persistence.

To start the server, you need to give it the location of the schema, like this:

replication-server serve --schema ../Assets/coherence/coherence.schema

In the example above we're running the server from the coherence-bin directory right at the root of your project.

You can also define other parameters like min-query-distance (the minimum distance the LiveQuery needs to move for the replicator to recognize a change), frequency, ip and port number.

replication-server serve --min-query-distance 10 --port 32001 --frequency 320 --schema "C:\Users\tadej\Desktop\work\coherence\gamejam-stellar\Assets\Schemas\stellar.schema"


persistence-client --help serve

  -h, --help                            Show context-sensitive help.
      --log-level=LOG-LEVEL-STRING      the log level
      --log-file=LOG-FILE-STRING        log output file
      --panic-on-error                  enable/disable panic on error

      --save-file-name=""     The name of the persistent save file.
      --save-folder="."                 The folder where the save file is written.
      --save-frequency=30               The frequency in which the save file is written (in seconds).
      --host=""          The host:port to connect to.
      --room-id=0                       The room id to connect to.
      --stats-port=32000                The port to listen for stats scrapers.
      --dump                            Write network packets to capture files (.packets).
      --frequency=20                    The server update frequency.
      --schema=STRING                   The schema file (.schema).
      --max-entities=32767              The maximum number of entities saved
      --disconnect-timeout=5000         Disconnect timeout (in milliseconds).
      --debug-streams                   Use debug streams.
      --query-world-position="0,0,0"    Position of the center of the entity query.
      --query-radius=10000              Radius of entity query.
      --disable-s-3-storage             Enable to disable storing to S3.
      --upload-size-threshold=1024      Difference in bytes to cause an s3 upload.
      --upload-frequency-forced=3600    The maximum number of seconds between forced s3 uploads.

General flags


Log level


Log output file


Enable/disable panic on error

Last updated

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