Scene Setup
It's quick and easy to set up a networked scene from scratch using the coherence SDK.
Setup video tutorial
The topics of this page are covered in the first minute of this video:
Step by step
Preparing a scene for network synchronization requires to add three fundamental objects:
1. Add a CoherenceBridge
coherence > Scene Setup > Create CoherenceBridge
This object manages the connection with coherence's relay, the Replication Server, and is the centre of many connection-related events.
2. Add a LiveQuery
coherence > Scene Setup > Create LiveQuery
Creates a LiveQuery, which allows to define what are of the world the application is interested in when requesting data from the Replication Server. You can surround your entire scene in one query or can attach it to an object such as the player or a camera.
You don't have to define a range for the LiveQuery. Leaving the range to 0 means that the range is infinite, so nothing is filtered out.
3. Add a Connect Dialog UI
coherence > Explore Samples
A Connect dialog UI provides an interface to the player to connect to the Replication Server, once the game is played. You can create your own connection dialog, but we provide a few samples as a quick way to get started.
If you're unsure about which dialog to add, choose Rooms for now. You can read more about Rooms and Worlds.
If you're unsure about which dialog to add, choose Rooms for now. You can read more about Rooms and Worlds.
The connection dialog samples we provide are here for you to completely customize, you can read more in the section dedicated to Samples.
Using the coherence Hub window
Using the coherence Hub window gives you an overview of everything related to networking in your project. The Overview tab will show you the current status and which actions you need to perform for everything to work.
To open it, go to coherence > coherence Hub