
From the Developer Portal, you can configure how Rooms are created through the SDK in the coherence cloud.

From the left sidebar, select Rooms. On this page you can:

  • choose the regions you want to allow your rooms to be created in

  • enable Simulators for your Rooms

  • view a list of recently created Rooms

  • view a list of recently uploaded Simulators


From the Developer Portal, you can configure what size you want your Simulator instances to be. To attach a Simulator to a Room, send the "Simulator slug" uploaded through the SDK with the Rooms creation request. When using the Unity Cloud Service API to create Rooms, the Simulator uploaded through the SDK is automatically assigned in the creation request.

Replication Server & Send Frequency

The packet frequencies for sending and receiving data can be adjusted per project. It is part of the Advanced Config section and adjusting the frequencies is available only for paid plans.

Recent Rooms Table

The Recent Rooms Table provide a quick view of the recently created Rooms with the following information per column:

Creating, Fetching and Joining Rooms in Unity

Please refer to the Cloud Service API: Rooms section.

Closing Rooms

Rooms are automatically closed within a few minutes after the last player has left the room. This can be changed in the Advanced Config section.

Last updated